These are the ROS Nodes provided by this package.
Most likely, you will use a launch file to run these. You can also run them
by using rosrun
rosrun rktl_autonomy <Node name>
This node creates a connection between the CartPole-v0 environment from OpenAI’s
Gym library and ROS for testing and simulation purposes. It subscribes to the
topic, which receives a message containing an action (an
integer) that is taken by the agent. It also publishes messages to the
, cartpole/reward
, and cartpole/done
topics, which
contain the current observation (a Float32MultiArray), the current reward (a
Float32), and a Boolean indicating whether the episode is done or not,
Subscribed Topics
(std_msgs/Int32): The action that should be performed.
Published Topics
(std_msgs/Float32MultiArray): Observation of the system at any given point.cartpole/reward
(std_msgs/Float32): Reward for training.cartpole/done
(std_msgs/Bool): Boolean representing the whether or not the simulation is complete.
This node plots the progress of a machine learning algorithm. The progress is
subscribed to via the diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus
message. The node uses
the mpl_toolkits
library to plot the progress of the training, which is then
saved as a PNG image file.
Subscribed Topics
(diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus): Log for the training algorithm.
(string): The base directory where the training log files are stored.~log/plot_freq
(int, default:25
): The frequency of plotting, i.e., how often the node updates the plot with new data.~log/basic
(list, default:['duration']
): A list of basic variables to plot. These variables have only one line on the plot.~log/advanced
(list, default:['net_reward']
): A list of advanced variables to plot. These variables have three lines on the plot: the average, the minimum, and the maximum.~frequency
(float, default:1/30
): Frequency of the main simulation loop.
This node runs the agent trained for the Rocket League project. It uses the
class in
Subscribed Topics
(nav_msgs/Odometry): Odometry data of the car’s position and velocity.ball/odom
(nav_msgs/Odometry): Odometry data of the car’s position and velocity.match_status
(rktl_msgs/MatchStatus): Match status data containing the current score of the game.
Published Topics
(rktl_msgs/ControlCommand): ontrol commands for the car.
(string): The location of weights for where the model was saved./cars/throttle/max_speed
(float): Maximum velocity for the car, in meters per second./cars/steering/max_throw
(float): Maximum steering angle for the car, in meters per second.~action_space/velocity/min
(float): Optional. Action space override for velocity for the car, in meters per second.~action_space/velocity/max
(float): Optional. Action space override for velocity for the car, in meters per second.~action_space/curvature/min
(float): Optional. Action space override for steering angle for the car, in meters per second.~action_space/curvature/max
(float): Optional. Action space override for steering angle for the car, in meters per second./cars/length
(float): Length of the car, in meters./field/width
(float): Width of the field, in meters./field/length
(float): Length of the field, in meters.~observation/goal_depth
(float, default,0.075
): Depth of the goal, in meters.~observation/velocity/max_abs
(float, default,3.0
): Max absolute velocity for observation. (default is 3.0)~observation/angular_velocity/max_abs
(float, default:2π
): Max absolute angular velocity for observation. (default is 2*pi)~max_episode_time
(float, default:30.0
): Maximum time in seconds for an episode.~reward/constant
(float, default:0.0
): Constant reward for each step.~reward/ball_dist_sq
(float, default:0.0
): Reward for getting closer to the ball.~reward/goal_dist_sq
(float, default:0.0
): Reward for getting closer to the goal.~reward/direction_change
(float, default:0.0
): Reward for changing the direction.~reward/win
(float, default:100.0
): Reward for winning.~reward/loss
(float, default:0.0
): Reward for losing.~reward/reverse
: (float, default:0.0
)Reward for reversing.~reward/walls/value
(float, default:0.0
): Reward for hitting walls.~reward/walls/threshold
(float, default:0.0
): Distance from the wall at which reward is given.
This node runs the agent trained for the snake environment. It uses the
class in
Subscribed Topics
(geometry_msgs/PoseArray): Pose of the snake parts.snake/goal
(geometry_msgs/PointStamped): Location of the apple.snake/score
(std_msgs/Int32): Current Score.snake/active
(std_msgs/Bool): Whether or not the snake is active.
Published Topics
(geometry_msgs/Twist): Command for the snake to follow.
(int, default: 7): Initial number of segments of the snake.~field_size
(float, default: 10): Size of the field.~control/max_angular_velocity
(float, default: 3.0): Max angular velocity.~control/max_linear_velocity
(float, default: 3.0): Max velocity.~reward/death
(float, default: 0.0): Penalty for death.~reward/goal
(float, default: 50.0): Reward for eating an apple.~reward/distance
(float, default: 0.0): Reward for distance traveled.~reward/constant
(float, default: 0.0): Constant reward.~max_episode_time
(float, default: 30.0): Maximum time in seconds for an episode.