Launch Files

These are .launch files that can be run using roslaunch:

roslaunch rktl_perception <launch file>


Utility launch file that launches an interface for calibrating all cameras. It is configured for a 9 squares by 7 squares chessboard pattern, where each square is 26cm is length.


Launch file containing everything that needs to be run for 1 camera. The camera_name argument can be changed to easily change the camera used.

Launch Arguments

  • load_manager (default: true): If true, a nodelet manager is started. If a nodelet manager is already running, set this to false to avoid any errors.

  • manager_name (default: camera_manager): The name of the nodelet manager to use for nodes that require it.

  • manager_threads (default: 4): Number of threads to use in the nodelet manager, if started.

  • camera_name (default: cam0): Name of the camera to launch the stack for.


  • cams/{camera_name}/{manager_name}: Nodelet manager. Only run if the load_manager argument is set to true.

  • cams/{camera_name}/{camera_name}: Nodelet of type pointgrey_camera_driver/PointGreyCameraNodelet. Puts camera feed onto the ROS network. Loads parameters (including camera serial number) from rktl_perception/config/{camera_name}/pointgrey.yaml and calibration from rktl_perception/config/{camera_name}/calibration.yaml.

  • cams/{camera_name}/apriltag: apriltag_ros_continuous_node node from the apriltag_ros package. Looks for AprilTags in the camera feed and outputs the result to be used by other nodes. Loads parameters from rktl_perception/config/apriltag_settings.yaml and rktl_perception/config/tags.yaml.

  • localizer: localizer node from the rktl_perception package.

  • pose_to_tf: pose_to_tf node from the rktl_perception package.

  • ball_detection: ball_detection node from the rktl_perception package. Loads parameters from rktl_perception/config/ball_settings.yaml.

Included Launch Files

  • image_proc image_proc.launch: Basic processing stack (image rectification for the provided camera).


Utility launch file that opens a color picker used for fine tuning the parameters used for ball detection.


Utility launch file used for displaying the camera positions and feeds in RViz.


Utility launch file used launching the topics needed for focusing camera lenses.